current status:
After an eight-year volunteer lobbying effort and the endorsements of many, “All Kids Count” (AKC) obtained two Department of Justice (DOJ) grants in the Commerce Justice Science Bill. This provided funding for the first AKC child-safety/crime prevention film series, geared for ages 9-15 to experience with parents/guardians. The three programs were successfully produced and well-received.
Based on the overwhelming reactions to the first 3-part film series, the filmmakers returned to Capitol Hill and requested additional funding from Congress to produce the final two AKC age-specific programs. It seemed the endeavor was about to receive an appropriation, however, a moratorium was placed on all congressionally-mandated grants and “All Kids Count”, along with many proven worthy endeavors, lost its funding.
Congress recently enacted the “Community Project Funding” and in turn, All Kids Count again will be seeking Congressional support.
creative report:
What distinguishes AKC from traditional safety programs is that there are no authority figures instructing kids on the “rules” or how to behave. Rather, the critical information is conveyed in an “info-tainment” style, where the viewer watches young people interact and experiences their adventures. The unique thematic approach was developed after conducting nationwide focus groups with children, parents and educators. By interviewing actual target audiences, a wealth of perspectives relating to the topics were obtained, including real-life experiences.
During the script writing process, the DOJ, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, U.S. Attorney’s Office/Operation Safe Childhood and professional authorities in the educational sector played an active role. By combining their expertise on the subject matters with our abilities, we were able to create a captivating and entertaining production, presented in motion picture quality.

In addition to the educational curricula delivering knowledge, the filmmakers hope to create a higher consciousness of the issues, to both young people and adults alike.
Click to view All Kids Count Films – AKC Films.