akc overview:
“All Kids Count”
All Kids Count was initially funded by the U.S. Department of Justice through two congressionally mandated grants and the active support of America’s leading groups in law enforcement and education.
“All Kids Count” (AKC) is a 3-part child-safety/crime prevention film series dedicated to educating children and parents/guardians on the critical issues of internet safety and preventing child abduction and targeted school violence. The programs, created for ages 9-15 to experience with trusted adults, have proven to be highly effective, where the lessons learned are retained. AKC also represents parent-engagement and reinforces the parent-child bond.
What distinguishes “All Kids Count” from traditional safety programs is that there are no authority figures instructing kids on the “rules” or how to behave. Rather, the information is conveyed in an “info-tainment” style, where the viewer watches young people interact and experiences their adventures, presented in motion picture quality.
Based upon positive reactions to the produced films, the endeavor is hoping to obtain financial support to produce the final two installments of “All Kids Count”, one designed for “parent-only” viewing, the other for ages 5-8, inclusive. Not unlike the first AKC series, the filmmakers will be collaborating with subject matter experts to ensure content is technically correct and authentic.
The major organizations who represent our nation’s educational and law enforcement sectors joined hands with AKC, many when it was only a well-intended concept. They include the American Library Association (ALA), who served as Fiscal Agent for federal appropriations, National Education Association (NEA), National School Boards Administration (NSBA), National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), American School Counselor Association (ASCA), American Association of School Administrators (AASA), National Sheriffs’ Association, Fraternal Order of Police and U.S. Attorney’s Office/Operation Safe Childhood.
In conclusion, “All Kids Count” tackles lifesaving issues of great national importance and serves society’s most vulnerable members. The program’s effectiveness can be monitored, gauged and evaluated to meet fiscal responsibility and performance measures.
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